Through normal use of the system, overtime your operating system may encounter some errors in software. This can manifest in a number of strange ways including unintended functionality of some software. As a first and foremost step with the computer in your care before you make a return to us, we suggest performing a factory reset of the computer to see if symptoms are resolved. With Windows 10 and 11, there are a number of ways you can do this.
NOTE: Before you perform any factory reset on your PC we recommend backing up your essential files and programs. Parts of the factory reset process may cause these files to be wiped from the computer.
Resetting Windows 10/11 while logged in to the computer as an administrator
When logged in and viewing the desktop, press the Start menu button
Locate or use the search menu to find the "setting" application
In the settings application, navigate to System control
Select recovery from the recovery menu
Follow the prompts to reset your PC
Doing so will launch the PC reset process. You'll be prompted with the option to "Keep my files" or "remove everything"
Scorptec recommends having backed your files up on an external location, and selecting "remove everything" for the best results.
Allow about 20 minutes to half an hour for the operating system to perform it's reset, and once prompted again, please continue the rest of the machine setup as you would have done receiving the machine for the first time.